Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lice, 1 yr Tubaversary, St. Patty's Day, Free Tibet!

So yea you probably read the title of this one and went, wtheck?! Lol. Anywho, thank you so much to everyone who participated in my one year collab, that is everyone but nat cuz i just dont like her (joking)... kinda.

So St. Patty's Day yesterday was pretty freakin' sweet. I went into the city for the day, on a school trip- i didn't cut, technically. Anyway, we drove around for a bit and stopped off for lunch like a block away from the United Nations (UN) building so some of the kids and i decided to walk down there and check it out. It was really cool, although we couldn't get in so inside I just took some pictures of the flags. :)

(click to enlarge)

And then across the street from that there was a Free Tibet rally so we joined up with them, which made our teacher very happy. It was really great and we all had a lot of fun.

Oh yea and the lice. No I don't have lice and neither does anyone around me- anymore. My step-sis had lice a few weeks ago so we stayed away from them for like a month, lol, but now everything's cool so no worries. The only reason I mention it is because I made a video about it back when it was happening so I thought I would use it now as my next video. Expect to see it somewhere around Thursday or Friday, probably Friday though. Hope you enjoy it.

Tara aka squirrelygurl

Daily Bible Verse: (This is one of my favorites, I was reading a bit last night and came across it so I just had to use it today :D)

Proverbs 21:30:
"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."