Thursday, March 13, 2008

Crap. I have to post updates?! That sucks...

Lol- yea I'm lazy. I don't think I realized that when I started this blog I would have to actually take like five minutes out of my day once a week to write something on it- I know right, it's so hard!

But yea, most of you have been wondering why I haven't posted a vid in a week, which isn't exactly true cuz I posted one of me singing, badly, to Queen on my rejects account so yea... you lose. But not really- cuz u're cool.

Anywho you all won't have to wait much longer cuz I'll probably be posting my "1 year on youtube" collab thingy either sunday or monday, most likely monday. So make sure you all tune in then and enjoy.

Thanks for being cool people.

Tara aka squirrely gurl

Daily Bible Verse: (courtesy of
Mark 6:49-50- "But when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."